Characteristic symptoms and treatment varicose veins the legs in women

Treatment of varicose veins, the legs men and women are not different, but the frequency is postoperative relapse in women more than in relation to the additional effects of hormones (estrogenic effect).

varicose veins

Venous disease of the feet is necessary to treat the doctor-phlebologist, which deals with precisely this pathology. Various methods of treatment of varicose veins is not radical, since they are not targeted to eliminate main pathogenetic causes – errors in valve apparatus vein. Surgical and conservative treatment to slow down disease progression in long lines. The percentage of repetition of high and ranges from 10 to 50% over 5 years after the operation.

Treatment of varicose veins must be complete. A distinction between three groups of methods for the eliminate to prevent varicose veins:

  • surgical
  • conservative.

Each type of treatment has its advantages and disadvantages, a certain frequency of relapse. Reference is conditional, as the phlebologist, in order to achieve the greatest possible favorable outcome often is to combine all three methods.

Characteristic symptoms of varicose veins in women

The general manifestations, which are typical of women

The symptoms of varicose diseases beginning with the emergence of such functional disorders such as feeling of heaviness in the legs, swelling of the ankle joints at the end of the working day. The skin feet first is formed in the blood vessels of the stars.

The main signs of the disease – association of the varicose extended subcutaneous veins, appear a few years from the beginning of the disease.

Untreated at this stage, there will be such symptoms as cramps in the calf muscles, itchy skin on the feet.

Signs veenihaavandite disorders: skin pigmentation of the lower third of the leg, cyanosis, sclerotic change in the subcutaneous tissue, eczema, the background of which is formed a trophic ulcer.

Characteristic symptoms of varicose veins just for women

  • Painful symptoms appear cyclical, strengthening the prior month, which is related to changing sex hormones levels;
  • during pregnancy caused the symptoms of varicose veins after childbirth may be lost;
  • in the second half of the menstrual cycle due to the following progesterone in diameter to prevent the varicose veins increases, so that the symptoms swollen and heaviness in the legs, expressed more;
  • signs of varicose veins elevated during hormone therapy.

Now let's talk about methods of treatment.

The best treatment

Radio frequency ablation and laser coagulation

Radio frequency ablation of ven

The method, based on the introduction of, under ULTRASOUND control with a special disposable catheter clearance is enlarged veins.


The catheter is equipped with a special electrode, the working part, with the effect of radio frequency radiation heated to 120 degrees. The promotion of the catheter across the venous way of bonding with the walls of blood vessels. The damaged vein is muted from the circulatory system of the legs.

Venous blood samples for laser coagulation

Technique the operation consists of a tap, a damaged vein and to which his clearance under ultrasound control of the laser light guide. The effect of an output takes place in the coagulation of the proteins in the vein walls, causing the lead to disappear and after some time the grass has grown sidekoest.

Radio frequency ablation and venous blood samples, laser destruction is a relatively new medication varicose veins on the legs. Despite the differences in the previous meet, is a common feature.

The advantages and disadvantages of radiofrequency ablation and venous laser destruction


  • Does not require hospitalization;
  • Speed (time from 30 min to 1 hour);
  • Painless;
  • Bloodless;
  • Performed under local anesthesia;
  • The absence of the postoperative scar (the desired for women to cosmetically effect);
  • In a short period of rehabilitation.


  • High price;
  • The frequency of relapse up to 10%;
  • The inability to carry out the procedure if some of the anatomical peculiarities of the veins (severe tortuosity of the blood vessels).

Radio frequency ablation and venous blood samples of laser devastation to select women who want to treat varicose veins in the outpatient minimum limitation of physical activity in the maintenance period and while maintaining the aesthetic type of feet.


If the lumen of the damaged segment of the vein injected a special drug that has a certain effect on the vascular wall. Skleroseeruv agent can be used in liquid form or in the form of foam. To be preferred to foam sclerotherapy due to a larger area than the substance with the wall of the vein.

The advantages and disadvantages of Fleboskleroterapija:

  • The lack of postoperative scar;
  • Takes place in the outpatient;
  • The operation took place without anesthesia;
  • Manipulation is almost painless (a little burned on the site of the puncture);
  • Possible long-term skin pigmentation on the site of the puncture (up to 2 years);
  • In rare cases is a postoperative inflammation of the veins (phlebitis);
  • Swelling and redness, the tissues 2 days after the procedure;
  • An allergic reaction, if the individual intolerance of the preparation use;
  • 20% of cases occur in the blood vessels of the stars on the legs (telangiectasia);
  • The frequency of relapse by up to 50%.

Relapse of varicose veins after sclerotherapy depends on the lumen of the damaged blood vessels - the bigger the difference, the greater is the risk of recanalization of it. Its treatment to choose if the treatment of relapse of varicose veins after surgical phlebectomy.

Surgical phlebectomy

A surgical operation is a more radical way to remove the varicose disease. Principles of surgical treatment is to eliminate the pathologic reset blood deep is superficial varicose veins on the legs and you delete yourself to enlarged blood vessels. Stages combined phlebectomy:

disease ven
  • Junction and ligation at the mouth of the great subcutaneous vein (in the groin area) or small subcutaneous vein (in the popliteal pit);
  • Delete suitcases to prevent varicose veins. Place a special metal probe, which pulls the vein cut in the skin.


  • Radicality;
  • The opportunity to do the operation if any of the stage of the disease.


  • Hospitalization for 5 to 7 days;
  • The Arm is on the feet;
  • Anesthesia spinal or general;
  • Damage to the surrounding tissue with a syringe pulling the vein;
  • Possible complications: bleeding, purulent infection of wounds;
  • The frequency of relapse up to 20%.

Cure through the action of preferably a certain type of damage, if there are varicose veins the deformation of large or small subcutaneous veins are significantly over. Also, if there are signs veenihaavandite infringement of the soft tissues and symptoms of decompensation of heart venous insufficiency.


Miniflebjektomija – separate the possibility of fast intervention, which can treat varicose veins of the feet in the early stages. Commonly applied to existence in individual varicose complex of the nodes of the shins. Place puncture the skin over the there education and through the hook pulled and fixed way. The surgery does not require general anesthesia and an overlay of the skin stitches.

Conservative treatment

Start to treat varicose veins disease of the feet is necessary to apply the drug and compression therapy. Determination of medications to improve the blood circulation and to wear medical compression fabrics – the main conditions, which determine the outcome of any operational intervention from the veins of the legs.

Medical treatment

Medications stop the symptoms of venous insufficiency, are applied as preoperative training and postoperative rehabilitation.

Treat a special preparation with varicose veins on the legs is needed for a long time in constant mode, or in the form of recurrent courseware.

Compression therapy

The elastic pressure of the feet – the leading method of treatment in cases where rapid intervention is contraindicated. If the packing tools, you can use elastic bandages and special medical needles: hosiery, socks, tights. Medical products of different high strength, for a long time retain the original level of compression, comfortable when wearing, that is important, that the woman.


There are 4 class elastic knitting depending on the compression ratio. It is recommended to treat varicose veins using the products 2 class in the absence of disease progression with a maturity of up to 6 months and the further application of the physical load, or long-term stays on the feet. If there are signs of damage to the valves in the deeper veins or published symptoms of violation of lymphatic drainage, you will be assigned jerseys 3 class before stopping the disease varicose veins.

Therapeutic effect of compression knitwear is the result:

  • decreases the volume of the vein, which leads to a smaller reset blood varikoossed vessels;
  • the increased absorption of the tissue fluid is blood doing, thanks to which the signs of swollen and the symptoms of heaviness in the legs is lost;
  • improved blood fluidity, which prevents blood clots from occurring.